Thursday, June 23, 2011


So, you might be all like:

"Yo,  Mikey! (No one calls me Mikey)  What up wit' the schmaltzy space silhouettes and obviously unoriginal backdrop biz?"  (Thanks,!)

Then I'd be all like:

"It's my family, bub!  And I'm a'celebrating their existence!  People tend to associate existence with space for some reason and silhouettes serve well to protect my fam' from creepies and the like!" 

You see, both my sister and father have had birthdays in the past week(ish).  So, I thought I would post about the wonderful family God has blessed me with!  (Throwing Mom in the mix, too.  Though her birthday is half a year away, she is still loved!)

So, lets get this love fest underway! *

Dad - (Divinely Appointed Demonstrator)
This man has been a role model from the start!  Be it shoe tying or tie tying, math or history,  driving stick or riding a bike, he has been there to show me how.  And sports.  Oh, the things I have learned about sports!  A most manly of bonds that has grown stronger throughout the progression of our relationship.  How I cherish the times we spend on the couch watching and conversing about sports!

He has also been paramount in developing my character throughout my life.  Honesty, integrity, perseverance, patience, hard work and love; these he has cultivated in me as I began to grow into who I am meant to be.  I see my dad's passion for the things he loves and it strikes something in me, and his encouragement toward a path of righteousness was a catalyst for my passion to serve God today! 

Mom - (Maturity Ordinance Manager)
She's the great encourager!  Her delight at the site of my success was crucial to my confidence.  Things like being there to provide a PB 'n' J after a long day at school and waking me up in time to go to said school, speak volumes of her love.  A shoulder to cry on and a word of direction, she helped me realize that I should not and cannot do life alone.

Her strength and desire to uphold a stable and loving environment for my sister and I to grow up in still amazes me today.  I am coming to realize more and more, her often under-appreciated willingness to get her hands dirty, both literally and figuratively.  One of the greatest lessons I've seen taught through her life is the fact that we still can love and serve those around us, regardless of our current predicament and struggles.

Sister - (Stunning Intellectual Slash Teenage Experience Reciprocator)
She is my partner in all that is awesome!  Lets face it, I have more inside jokes and shared humor traits with this girl than anyone else.  She is just downright fun to be around.  I love playing N64 and going on photo excursions with her, and I can't wait to hang out every time I come home.  Oh, and we will soon be reunited, as we will be attending the same college next year!  Which is doubly amazing, considering she blends seamlessly into my group of friend, and they think she is a blast!

Now, she is more than just a buddy to pal around with.  Over the years, I have seen her grow into a BEAUTIFUL woman.  (It's a weird feeling!)  And she has the intelligence and wit to match.  When she talks about her web classes, I feel so out of the loop.  I mean, she, a recent high school grad, can code circles around me!  Now, she is going to be in a metropolitan area.  With her looks and mental sharpness, you will hear this girl's name sometime in the near future!

* Love fest characteristics expressed in each section may also be transferable to other family members :)

Happy Birthday Guys!
Love you!

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