After months of wrestling thoughts, doubts and fears, I've finally mustered up the gumption to create a blog.  Now, I realize that this announcement may only fall on the ears of about 4.35 people per year, but I also realize that it's not about me.  GOD, I pray it's not about me!  Besides, who am I to dictate the repercussions of an albeit meager attempt to profess the love of GOD?

That being said, this blog will serve as a battlefield.  
Let me lay out the three main participants in this skirmish:


The more I listen, the more this blog is going to say.  It's a beautiful irony that I am going to have to have drilled into my skull throughout this entire process.  This needs to be an effort in which I share what GOD has been teaching me in hopes that others may benefit.  Life is meant to be done together, and considering I struggle deeply with said togetherness, this blog will at least get me used to the concept of sharing and speaking the love of CHRIST on a more open and consistent basis.


I can't give in to making this blog into a platform in which to promote myself and burnish my ego.  This is a very real threat.  I will commit to praying before each post, that GOD keep me humble and my intentions healthy.  I also request that anyone who reads this blog and finds something of questionable motive, that they confront me and bring it to my attention in order to keep me in check.


I run fast and loose with vocabulary and punctuation.  I love words and writing mechanics, but I don't exactly take the time to learn their "correct" usage.  You will often find rogue commas and semi colons. Sentence fragments. (<- dumb :) ) and words stretched beyond their commonly accepted definitions.  Some call it uneducated, I call it resourceful.  On a related note: I often employ unnecessarily cumbersome language and long, rambling analogies in my writing.  Some sentences will require thigh-highs just to make it to the other side.  I apologize in advance.


Now, all this doesn't mean I won't be displaying creative projects that I frequently undergo or have some posts that are just plain ol' goofy.  I have come to recognize the value of building a creative community for the purposes of fellowship and inspiration.  Plus, I feel its good to let myself be vulnerable for a change.

It's time I start using the gifts GOD has given me, rather than just spending all my time "honing" them until they reach a level I find adequate. I just need to make sure that I am posting in the interest of my peers, not in the interest of my peers' perception of me.