Title : "Continuum"
Date : 06/04/11
Materials: matte photo paper, India ink, acrylic, working clock mechanism
(Trust me, I thought about using the movement of the hands to portray many other concepts, but I figured the radial movement and tell-tale ticking sound would trigger 'clock' in the audiences' minds no matter how hard I tried to mask it. Besides, that little motor in there has almost no torque, so I couldn't really add anything to the hands or replace them with other objects like I wanted to. Oh well, problem solving is a crucial part of the artistic process anyway.)
Now as far as the concept, I decided to express something I have heard mentioned multiple times by a pastor named Isaac Hunter (Summit Church). It really stuck with me. It's the fact that:
"the only time we can interact with God is in the present. Not because that's the only place He exists, but it's the only place that we exist."
I love that! Our only chance to pursue God, obey God, worship God, serve God and have a relationship with God is in the present. Our existence, at least here on earth, is linear and we are right on the precipice. We create a heritage of moments, each one lived in at one point or another, but now uninhabitable, for we can only inhabit one moment at a time. Our next moment here on earth is not guaranteed and we cannot retro-navigate our lineage. We are stuck in the present. Due to this, God, existing outside of the jurisdiction of time, in his immeasurable love and compassion, meets us in the only place we can.
This block asks a question knowing the answer, but begs another: Do we know when we exist?
Thumbs UPPP.