Title : "Through the Sedimentary"
Date : 06/01/11
Materials: gesso, matte photo paper, white foam core, assorted figurines, red pencil
What if I'm not good enough?
What if I don't know?
Maybe I should wait.
Someone else is more qualified.
Someone else will do it.
I might mess it up.
I don't know enough.
What difference would it really make?
How can I be sure?
What if I do more harm than good?
What if?
These are the phrases that are found on this block. Oddly enough, I had no intention of them having such great rhythm, but hey, gives me confidence that I'm not the only one at work here.
Doubt, in the form of the assorted questions and statements, are seen as numerous and piling up to the point where each phrase begins to loose its uniqueness and instead, mixes with the other phrases forming more of a single entity. This form, however is not an arbitrarily conceived, ill-structured sediment, easily cast aside with the flick of a shovel. Rather, it is a front as hard as granite. Organized like a platoon of infantry; atoms aligned in tightly squared rows, all for the purpose of bending your spade.
The Spirit has equipped us with the tools, however, to excavate these treacherous grounds. We are armed with a passion to seek the truth. We know its down there, buried by our own weakness. We can feel its pulse like magma veins, waiting for the light of day. We are also armed with confidence; not in ourselves or even what the truth might look like, but that it will be good, that it will be true. For if we have no faith that the truth we find will actually be true, then all this toil will be for naught.
And when we do find what we've been seeking, that stedfast well of truth, we discover what has been true all along. It is enough.
LOVE this. ahh.