Monday, March 11, 2013


Okay, this is a really quick one, but I still think it warrants mention.

This dream came after my initial commitment to start fighting my self-salvation rituals (see previous post for explanation).  Going was extremely tough and wrought with fear.  Most battles still ended with me blurting out a myriad of anxious, reactionary prayers to a God that I apparently, assumed by my actions, didn't think knew what I actually believed in my heart.  This would often find me in a vicious loop of, "that wasn't what I meant"'s  and, "this is what I mean"'s. 

So anyway, I have had many dreams in which my teeth are either loose or falling out.  Every time, my dream-self seems to be very concerned, even obsessed with this detail, to the point where it is usually the only thing I remember clearly about the dream upon waking.  This makes it rather difficult to retell the dreams in a narrative format.  So I'll just give a lil' synopsis:

The Dream:
One instance of a loose tooth dream I had involved myself frequently and constantly pulling my teeth out, only have a new one grow right back in where the previous was just dislodged.   I would be actively engaged in this process while going about doing other, ambiguous tasks in the dream.  I would then precede to place my teeth, one at a time, into cardboard boxes until I the boxes began to overtake the room I was in and, in turn, my space to move about got less and less.

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