Sunday, March 31, 2013
Don't have much as far as context for this one. I will say, that the viewpoint from which this dream is told is kinda hard to describe. It begins as more of a first person point of view, from the eyes of a visitor to the town, but shifts towards third person once the little boy is introduced in the dream.
The Dream:
The dream begins with a nondescript narrator giving a preface, of sorts, to a dusty southern town set in what felt like the 1940s; think houses with whitewashed, wood-panel exteriors, dirt streets and rocking chairs on front porches. The narrator proceeds to take the audience on a door to door tour of the community.
As the tour progresses, one thing sticks out as consistent with every household. Upon the mantel of each home's fireplace, displayed for all to see, is a collection of ornate and varied dolls. Though the size of each array varies from home to home, a common thread ties each display together. Most of the dolls are missing their legs. Soon after, through some form of narration, it is revealed that pairs of doll legs are very hard to come by, and thus, are greatly valued by the denizens. The legs act as a form of currency and the number of sets a person has determines their social status, in a way. Many people spend their lives scouring for these legs.
We then come upon a house that is inhabited by a young black child of about 8 or 9 years old. He, as most children, has fierce sense of adventure and play and feral light in his eyes. The boy has his own band of dolls as well. However, these dolls were anything but currency in his eyes. You see, under the boy's jurisdiction, the dolls were alive. He could speak to them and they listened. He played with them, not as objects for his manipulation, but as partners in his games; contemporaries. They would run in the streets, chasing a hoop with a stick. He would lay in the dirt, hands on chin, and teach them things; about life and about God.
Another peculiar thing about the boy's platoon was that most of his dolls had legs. Now, there was one doll in particular that was still missing them. He was a rather crotchety looking old man who seemed to always have a scowl adorning his features. He would often be found sitting off to the side as the others played, and though no less valued by the boy, there was a noticeable disconnect from the rest of his peers.
Then one day, the boy, alight with joy and face to face with the doll within the walls of their quaint little domicile, unfolds his hand to reveal a freshly acquired set of legs. Now, these legs are rather unexpected in appearance. They are large, metal, and look as though they belong to that of a mechanized suit of armor; rather unwieldy for doll modeled after a human. Regardless, the boy carefully outfits the old man with his brand new legs and he, after some effort, stands. Though they take some getting used to, the man is soon able to move about with only minor rigidity. They are now ready to show off the new additions to the rest of the dolls. However, the reveal is met with stifled laughter, pointing and whispers of how awkward the new legs look on the old man's body. The boy quickly and sharply rebukes the crowd and they repent.
The scene then jumps to the boy and his gang of dolls again playing in the dusty streets, this time with the old man as a full fledged participant. The boy then calls the group over to gather around a mud puddle. He then begins to build a city within the puddle. Streets and skyscrapers of mud soon appear as the boy lectures the dolls in his typical loving and zealous manner. The boy then swirls his index finger around in the mud, creating a little vortex that proceeds to spin about the mud city, consuming the newly formed buildings. As he does this, the boy utters the only words I can make out from his sermon: "You see, God is a hurricane."
Monday, March 18, 2013
If I remember correctly, this one came during my freshman year of college. A girl I had had feelings for at the time was in a rough place spiritually. Our relationship hadn't always been the most well defined item in the past, and I sure wasn't taking any steps to do so in the present. Instead, I liked being around her and felt like I could "fix" her, so I kept quiet and let things progress at their own volition. Though this was about 5 or so years ago, I still have particularly strong feelings attached to this dream. Not to the girl, but to the allegory of restoration at the end of the story.
The Dream:
A girl and I were getting ready to go out for a bike ride amongst the buildings of an ambiguous city when I catch a news flash on the T.V. The report precedes to tell of a man-like creature that is on the loose, posing a threat to unsuspecting citizens. I apparently don't see it as too stern of a warning because the girl and I proceed to go on the bike ride. Now, this bike ride really just involved the girl on the bike and me running alongside. Not too far into the trip we come across this creature the news was referencing. It had the basic humanoid shape, however, it stood almost twice as tall and had what appeared to be tree trunks for arms and legs. This characteristic made it rather slow moving, so we were able to avoid it pretty easily at first. However, as our journey progressed, we continually would run into situations where we would have to circumvent the creature until it got to a point where we were no longer really on a bike ride, but in hiding. Eventually, we were cornered. Seeing that flight was no longer an option, I chose to fight the creature. I stood up to it and told the girl to get on the bike and flee. Now, though this creature's creatures movements were slow, they had power behind them. It wasn't long before one of it's cumbersome, bark-covered limbs sent me hurling across the asphalt. Seeing this battle ending badly, I decided running would be the best option. Luckily, the blow had sent me far enough from the creature to make my escape on foot possible again. I ran for some time and felt I had put enough distance between us to start feeling a little bit more comfortable. However, as I continued to run, I felt my limbs start to become more and more rigid. It was if the joints were slowly calcifying and my muscles were tightening to the point of seizing. In fact, they weren't just loosing functionality, they were changing all together! Like a process of petrification, patches of my limbs were turning to wood; and the infection was slowly spreading! As my run began to slow and my movements became less and less fluid, I cam across another T.V. report. This one explained that investigators have found a cure for the epidemic that the tree-like creature has been causing. The remedy lied in the person of a being they referred to as "The Eagle Man." I had my solution. I had to find this Eagle Man. After some rather cloudy time span of searching, I saw what I could only identify as the Eagle Man driving by in a beat up old steel bodied, maroon and rust colored car. Desperate, I followed him in the fasted hobble I could manage. He pulled into a rather nondescript library; so I followed. Inside, after some searching, I found a man in line at the checkout. He was clad in rather ordinary clothing and was pretty unimpressive in build, but he had the mask of a white feathered eagle over his face. This must be the Eagle Man! So, I shifted over to him and gave him the deepest hug I could manage. As we stood in the embrace, I heard myself whisper, "I don't know if you know this, but you are saving my life right now." Immediately the infection left my body and my mobility was restored. I then took a step back and looked at the underside of my forearm. Sticking out from my veins was a small green shoot. I preceded to pull it out from under my skin and it disappeared. Suddenly, in a cinematic sort of fashion, the camera pans to a row of book shelves where the girl from the beginning of the story and I are reading about this very story in a book from the shelf.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Okay, this is a really quick one, but I still think it warrants mention.
This dream came after my initial commitment to start fighting my self-salvation rituals (see previous post for explanation). Going was extremely tough and wrought with fear. Most battles still ended with me blurting out a myriad of anxious, reactionary prayers to a God that I apparently, assumed by my actions, didn't think knew what I actually believed in my heart. This would often find me in a vicious loop of, "that wasn't what I meant"'s and, "this is what I mean"'s.
So anyway, I have had many dreams in which my teeth are either loose or falling out. Every time, my dream-self seems to be very concerned, even obsessed with this detail, to the point where it is usually the only thing I remember clearly about the dream upon waking. This makes it rather difficult to retell the dreams in a narrative format. So I'll just give a lil' synopsis:
The Dream:
One instance of a loose tooth dream I had involved myself frequently and constantly pulling my teeth out, only have a new one grow right back in where the previous was just dislodged. I would be actively engaged in this process while going about doing other, ambiguous tasks in the dream. I would then precede to place my teeth, one at a time, into cardboard boxes until I the boxes began to overtake the room I was in and, in turn, my space to move about got less and less.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Throughout the process of deciding to pick up the blogging thing again, this series has been the frontrunner of what I wanted to share once I was back. In my past, I feel God has used a handful of dreams (five to be exact) to either reveal or bolster the reality and nature of His working in my life. The reason these particular dreams stand out from many of the other wildly vivid dreams I tend to have, is the deep sense of allegory that I immediately felt upon waking and the ease of recollection of the detail involved. I have found amazing comfort and encouragement through recounting these dreams, and now I feel compelled to share these dreams. Hopefully they will bless you guys as well!
Basically, this is how I'm gonna lay this out:
- I'll give a little context of my state of mind/affairs leading up to the dream.
- I'll recount the dream.*
- I'll leave most of the interpretation up to the reader because I feel God could use it to speak a very custom message to said reader, and I wouldn't want to discount it if my interpretation is different.
- Each week I will post a the next dream in the same format.
~ Feel free to contact me if you'd like to hear my interpretation of each dream! I'd love to hear yours!
That being said, I will go ahead and post the first dream!
This is the first dream I had of this nature. It was either the end of my junior year or beginning of my senior year in highschool. At the time, I had just started to fight what has been labeled by doctors as OCD (specifically Scrupulosity). You see, basically, whenever an irrational or blasphemous thought went through my mind (which was terribly frequent), my reaction would be to freak out and respond with hollow, ritualistic prayer. I knew the Truth: that I am forgiven through Christ's death on the cross [John 3:16] and there was absolutely nothing I could do to outrun the love of God [Romans 8 38-39]. However, recognizing the Truth was often difficult in the anxious state that followed each obtrusive thought. So, I would often succumb to reeling off prayers in order to quell the anxiety and "let God know" what I really meant, rather than trusting in His grace and omniscience.
The Dream:
I'm sitting at a large, rectangular wooden table with about ten or eleven other guests, each person recognizably unique but none particularly familiar. The entire scene is cased in this black void, with no sense of place or direction.
The dinner party progresses as expected. The wait staff appearing and disappearing from the depth of the blackness as they bring various courses concealed by large, silver cloches. Suddenly, I catch something out of the corner of my eye. One of the waiters had slipped a vial of something from his jacket pocket and was proceeding to sprinkle it's contents on the dish he was carrying. I look back to the table to see if anyone else had noticed but everyone else was deep in conversation. The waiter then places the dish on the table and begins to divvy out portions to the guests.
As the party is readying to dig in, I shout. "Wait! Don't eat! This food as been poisoned!"
Much to my chagrin, my words don't illicit even a hint of hesitation from the others. They blissfully partake in the affected dish and continue socializing as normal. I interrupt again, "Didn't you hear me?! One of the waiters has poisoned the food!"
Again, not even a head turn. Now distraught, I look for the waiter responsible. Soon enough, he appears from the void and I confront him. "Why would you poison us like this?!"
As if expecting such a response, the waiter coolly smiles at me a says, "You all were poisoned to begin with, that vile I had was the antidote."
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