Friday, February 22, 2013


So...  It's been a while  (for real this time [inaugural post reference]).

Anyway, here is what I'm thinking.  Blogging has been an adventure of pride/humility for me; as my about page states, (with more eloquence [hopefully]).  Now, the main reasons I haven't been blogging for 2-ish years are time/motivation and lack there of.  Ironically, it is now in a stage of my life in which I can safely say I am busier than I have ever been that I have decided to start blogging again.  God and I have been talking, and I think this is gonna be a good thing.

The motive behind my resurgence is this:  I want people to share in the experience of the butt kicking revelations that God has been dropping on me and the radical change that they tend to instill.  You see, I feel I am doing a disservice to you all if I have this amazing conversation with God and then keep it to myself for fear of pride infiltrating the process and making it about me.  And though I can't say pride doesn't rear its head in things such as this,  I also can't let it have the final say in them.  So, hear I am, trying make this a remotely readable post while worrying too much about being witty and wondering who will actually read this besides Google crawlers.  

I appreciate any and all of you who read this and the future things I post here.  Please feel free to contact me (found on my personal site) if you'd like to discuss something further or if you feel I might be in the wrong on some of my viewpoints.  Really, I want conversation to happen!

Well, that's what I got for now.  Stay tuned for a series all about the crazy, allegorical dreams God's provided for me throughout my walk with Him!  They are amazingly interesting and vivid and odd if I do say so myself!

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