Sunday, March 23, 2014


So, if you've trudged through my exhaustively long account of last year's mission trip to Colombia and/or supported me on said trip, first of all words cannot express how thankful I am for your contribution.  And second of all, you probably know where this post is going all ready... 

That's right!  I'm headin' back ya'll!  

May I introduce: 
Feel free to check out the website for more info.  Just make sure you have your Spanish speaking and/or in-browser translation on.  

Essentially, the Evoke Ministries crew will be heading up a city-wide festival in the heart of Armenia, Colombia!  The festival will be a platform to share the love of Jesus through various forms of art and music with the goal of, not only bringing a message of Hope to a city know for rampant drug use and suicide, but to rally the creatives who call Armenia home and instill in them a call to bring hope and revival to their city through the mediums they already love.  We want to show them that they can glorify God and bring about tangible change through their art, and that there is a real place in the body of the Church for their unique and individual gifting.  

We've been in relationship with the city government of Armenia for a couple of years now, and we are seeing so much favor around this festival --evidence that God is doing a good work in this city and preparing for, what we expect to be, an outpouring of His love and revival through this festival.   Supported by effort of local believers taking responsibility to see their own city transformed, a revival that will sustain far beyond the weekend of the event.  Through this, we are hoping and praying for the entire city to be saved!

Here's the other part you probably saw coming.  I will be traveling to and staying in Armenia from July 22-29, and will need 2,500 U.S. dollars to fund the trip in it's entirety.  Any donations are HUGELY appreciated and regardless of whether or not you donate anything, I do ask that you be praying for myself, the team, and all of those we come in contact with during the trip as well as those attending the festival.   Investment over there will see returns all over the globe, for God's work will be carried in the hearts of those affected.  I thank you guys in advance.  Your generosity means more than either you and I will likely ever know!

If you care to donate, please feel free to either:
  1. Use this link.  (Click my name at the bottom of the article to donate.)
  2. Write a personal check to Evoke Ministries and add my name in the memo and mail it to my house (contact me via Facebook or email and I will send you the address.) 
Either way, you will receive a contribution statement for your tax write off come next tax season.

I appreciate you all locking arms with me in this journey.  I am so blessed to have such an amazing community of friends who give so generously, not just monetarily, but of themselves.  Please know that I appreciate each and every one of you!

Love you guys!

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