Sunday, September 8, 2013

DAY 4 - PART 2

So, part two of Day 4.  Sorry it's rather belated.  Anyway, here we go!

After returning to the hotel, Lirio expressed that she wanted to go visit Carolina.  If you remember from Day 1, she was the woman under the overpass who was dying of AIDS.  Lirio and her had become quick friends the night we were feeding the homeless and Lirio wanted to see her again and bring her some new clothes.  We had an open schedule that night so we set out to see her. 

Upon arriving at the overpass, there was a noticeable difference in the atmosphere this time around.  The buzzing of activity, loving conversation and prayer that had saturated the environment on Day 1, had been replaced with an oppressive and uneasy silence, with only passing cars and the occasional scampering rat providing noise and movement.  The whole place just felt dark and deprived.

We soon came across a bed pad, lined with trash and covered with a dirty blanket, wedged up against the back wall of the overpass.  Barely even imposing on the blanket and bed pad, was Carolina; all 40-50 lbs of her.  While most of the group watched from a distance, Lirio and Alexsa approached her.  Soon enough, we heard a impressively loud, "LEERRIIOOOO!!" erupt from the pile of bedding and almost instantly Lirio was on top of Carolina, entangled in the biggest bear hug Carolina's skeletal frame could muster.  Soon they were right back where they had left off, chatting and laughing like old friends. 

While this was going on, many of the group members, including myself, where having a hard time processing the whole situation.  Most of us did not get a chance to see Carolina and her situation on Day 1, and the extreme dire physical state of this woman was unlike anything I had ever witnessed with my own eyes.  George, our organizer/translator, was particularly distraught.  "Something has to be done about this.  This woman can't just be left here to rot.  The government has to do something."  Though her situation was deeply disturbing to witness, the spark this woman still had in her spirit debunked much of the despair that would usually be associated with a scene such as this. 

As the girls chatted, Carolina politely asked if we happened to have any water.  I did so happen to have about half a bottle's worth in my back pocket.  I handed it to Alexsa who gave it to Carolina.  As I walked back to the parameter we had formed, Alexsa hailed me.  "Michael, come over!  She wants to meet you!"  As I loomed over the bed pad, eyes (as well as my nose) surveyed the depravity in detail but were soon diverted by a set of fiery, kind eyes staring back at mine.  She reached out and shook my hand with a surprisingly strong grip, and smiled.  I smiled back.  I am having the hardest time remembering what was verbally said in that moment, but more was communicated in that slight and simple exchange than could have been said in pages of dialogue.  I will never forget this woman's face.

A few of us began taking some photos of the scene.  I figure documenting something such as this is important.  Photographs help solidify and actualize testimony in a very practical way in the minds of those listening.  Plus, putting a face to poverty often helps motivate those with the resources to illicit change in that realm.  Anyway, as Lirio and Alexsa continued to talk with Carolina, she began to notice the cameras.  "Oh, I feel like a movie star!"  She said gleefully.

By this time, another homeless man had wandered over to see what all the commotion was about.  After assessing the situation, he approached some of the group members.  He revealed that he was sort of Carolina's unofficial caretaker.  He said that he changes her sheets   out and cleans her up, basically looks after her and helps her with thing she can't do; her being immobile and all.  He proceeded to tell us of how many passers by treat her like trash, some even kicking her and stealing stuff from her.  (Someone had actually stollen the Bible Lirio had given her on Day 1).  He also said that he had never seen anybody treat her the way we have.  Missions groups come through every now and then, but no one had stopped and taken the time to notice and love her the way this group had. 

As we readied to head back to the hotel, the girls prayed over Carolina.  They encouraged her and loved on her some more, and told her of the new life to come.  "You know, you are going to have a new body soon!"  One of them said.  Imagine it.  Carolina's crippled little frame, full of sores and decay, replaced with a spry, flexible, perfectly restored body,  A body of eternal youth and resiliency.  She will be running and jumping and tumbling again soon.  Her roach infested bed pad on the side of a filth and exhaust glazed street, will be exchanged for a bed of flowers in a rolling, grassy field where she can lay and let the wind kiss her freckles and the sun rays warm her soft curly hair.  She will be her, maybe for the first time in her life.

We said our goodbyes and headed back towards the hotel.  As we were leaving, not but 50 yards from where we stood conversing with Carolina, stood a man with a hood over his head.  He had been there the entire time we interacted with Carolina. I noticed him as we were walking up, actually.  Now, I'm still new to this whole seeing in terms of the Spiritual Realm thing, but this was the closest to a manifestation of a demon I think I've ever seen.  This man had been standing in the exact same spot the entire time where were there.  He was just standing out in the open, in the middle of a walking area, hunched over a little bit and with a hood on.  As we walked by, he just stared at us.  Only his eyes moved as we passed.  I glanced at his face, it was shrouded in the shadow of his hood, the parts of his face I could make out were covered in dirt.  He had a deep darkness about him that gave me chills.  However, I also carried with me the confidence of the authority Christ.  All the man/thing could do was spectate and God's love infiltrated that location.  We are praying that he light continues to shine through and overtakes the darkness that has been oppressing that area.

Now before I continue, I will go ahead and mention that a week or two after getting back to the States, one of our contacts in Colombia said that Carolina is no longer under the overpass and is essentially nowhere to be found.  We believe that she is with Jesus now, enjoying her new body and using it to worshiping her King.  I can't wait to challenge her to a footrace when we meet again.

After making it back to the hotel, a few of us went to a little open-faced restaurant that adverted all dishes being only 2500 pesos (little more than a dollar.)  I got the short ribs and fries.  I will say, for a dollar, I was impressed.  For 3-5 dollars I would have been satisfied.  For 7+ dollars I would have been upset.  After, some crazy sugary pineapple soda and the experiment of mixing said soda with Manzana Postobon, and after Jim was portrait sniped by a homeless charcoal artist, we headed back to the hotel to chill. 

In the midst of our chillin', a large black man came waltzing into the lobby.  He seemed to know George and they began conversing.  He was looking for Antonio, which was not all that surprising given Antonio's infectious personality.  He had a birthday gift for him, however Antonio was still out and about.  Finally, after about 45 minutes, Antonio returned.  The man, Fabio, greeted Antonio like a family member and presented him with a sweet Colombia themed satchel.  Fabio then proceeded to talk with a small group of team members until late into the night.  It wasn't until later on in the trip that I learned of the significance of this man showing up that night. 

So, the Sunday before Jerryl and I arrived in Colombia, Fabio was one of two local policemen that were assigned to escort the Evoke team on some of their tasks for the day.  Over the course of the day, the love for one another and for others displayed by the group seem to really have an impact on Fabio and William (the other cop).  I don't know the timeline of the whole day, but both men ended up sticking around for a church service the team was attending and both of them wound up being rocked by God.  Fabio even experienced healing in his knee. 

Fast forward to the night Fabio showed up at the hotel.  While they were conversing, Fabio revealed how God has been changing his heart and showing him things since that past Sunday.  He revealed that his brother was murdered six months ago and that he had been working on a plot to find and kill his brothers murderer.  However, after his encounter with The Lord, he no longer has that vengeance in his heart.  Praise God!

After saying bye to Fabio and seeing everyone off to their respective cabs, we turned in for the night.  As Antonio and I entered our joint bedroom, we discovered a coffee custard dessert on Antonio's pillow, placed there by the hotel staff in honor of his birthday.  We both enjoyed a spoonful or two of the room temperature custard as we read the "do not consume above 6 degrees Celsius" label on the container.  We then promptly put it in the mini fridge and went to bed.

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