Monday, May 20, 2013

¿Dónde Está Miguel?

Hey guys, sorry its been so long since I've last posted!  To make up for it, I'll make sure this one's a doozy.  Anyway, if you have been in any sort of contact with me within the past two years, you've probably heard of Evoke Ministries and the awesome work that they do.  If not, check my links page!    (I know... Who has a links page anymore?)

Now to the meat and potatoes:

Evoke is heading back to Colombia; the city of Armenia to be exact!  This will be their third trip over there and needless to say the past two trips have seen amazing results.  For instance:  Trip One saw over 800 people come to Christ in just four days, six churches were planted and 90 discipleship groups were formed.  While Trip Two involved vision casting for Festival Vida, a 3 day outreach event aimed at empowering the creative community among Christians in the area.  The Spirit of God is at work in Colombia!! 

On this coming trip, Festival Vida will come to fruition!  An entire week will be devoted to pouring into the city of Armenia.  Our team will be sharing Jesus in both word and deed as well as empowering the city itself with suicide prevention, addiction recovery and sex trafficking awareness programs.  All of this, in hopes of sewing the seeds of a sustained walk with the Lord.  The week's events will then culminate with the city-wide Festival Vida in the town square.

With all that's being done in and through this environment, and with where I feel God has been leading me as of late, I find it almost a given that I should be going this time.  This will be my first experience with missional work abroad and I cannot wait to see what God has in store.  I'm ready to see lives changed, sickness recoil and streets once known for addiction, violence and perversion transformed to a wellspring of revival.  God willing, I will be an active participant in this revival and in turn experience a renewed sense of God's heart for His people.

Here is where I humbly ask of your participation.  The cost of this trip will be roughly 2500 US dollars per person.  Any donations are HUGELY appreciated and regardless of whether or not you donate anything, I do ask that you be praying for myself, the team and all of those we come in contact with during the trip.  This will be a refining experience, but far from an isolated one.  Investment over there will see returns all over the globe; for God's work will be carried in the hearts of all of those affected.  I thank you guys in advance.  Your generosity means more than either you and I will likely ever know!

If you'd would like to donate financially, you have two options: 

1.   Use the PayPal link on this peculiarly familiar looking page! (Pay no mind the less than enthused profile pic.)

2.   Write a personal check to Evoke Ministries and include my name in the memo and mail it to me the ol' fashion way!  (I can provide my address via email or Facebook [figure it unwise to post it on a public site]).

For those of you who would like to emotionally invest as well, don't worry.  I will be providing ample documentation of the entire trip via my camera and social media!